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Saturday, 26 August 2017

Soul World-journeys& Quantum realities -

Soul World-journeys& Quantum realities -

Reflections along  the Dusty roads of life.

Long time ago when i was in my early teens-my mind body and soul were dedicated to exploring the world of Art-I would listen to Hip Hop Music  during class time and read literature novels during preps-when school closed I would visit my friends who had similar interest in dandora estate
This interest continued even after clearing high school-we had no phones-we did not set meeting times-but some how five to ten young artist would meet almost daily.- Telepathy is about communicating mind-to-mind-am talking about being part of Mau Mau camp collective –a clique that had poets, rappers,and other creative heads  -sharing was our maiden ritual every day-sharing of a new music verse,new Rap Flow,new friends ,new clothes-we shared all, as we hanged on the dusty street alleys of Dandora Phase two-after some years of continuing with the rituals-we upgraded- Telepathy is about communicating mind-to-mind-We did not set meeting time,venue,or communicate via phones-I am talking of 2002- 2004 back in the days,man am old skool!By coincidence we would all converge near Norwich union which sands witched between Moi Avenue and kimathi street-
Due to sticking together for long and sharing same interest we  had developed a  common energy vibration,and that what made us meet by coincidence,sometimes fight accusing each of robbing music verses and flow-our was mental communication (a wireless phone of the mind, but without the bills), Many just-plain-folks report having some sort of telepathic abilities. There are some things in life that are hard to explain outside of telepathy: think, for instance, of how our mothers seem to be able to make us feel guilty no matter how far away we might be. The reported telepathic abilities usually come in the form of mental communication with one particular person only. That's often the psychological effect of being emotionally close to someone for awhile. Being emotionally close could provide a possible kind of telepathy, in the sense that such closeness could bring about moments of someone else being included in the edges of a person's consciousness. (In this case, consciousness would mean the 'community' of all that is you. There could perhaps be in some sense an 'overlap' with someone else.)

Article two-

Crazy traffic jam , abrupt screeching of brakes, un coordinated noises from matatu conductors ,”beba beba eastleigh ,beba beba kariobangi, sexy women in bikini blasting from LED plasma screen inside this east land matatus-I am on board a number nine nganya headed to 12th street easich ,we just left town and are negotiating the kariakor market traffic, our mat hits a large pot hole and every passenger is on the air for an eternal moment-we come down back to our seats in a bang-lucky are the women with shock absorb the impact is less as for the men the slight pain that last less than two seconds is real.
All the over a sudden the music seizes –the digital sound systems will take few minutes to load again- the sound of the conductor moving from passenger to next shaking coins-brings my mind back to the activities inside-as I look around some people are very alert to the moment others are lost in thoughts-an I am left wondering where the mind goes? and since we are a crowd of passengers is the crowed mentality active-meaning may be we are in the same space of realm-from the speed of the matatu ,the frequencies of Jamaican ragga music blasting from the woofers previously or is every one lost into his world of thoughts, dreaming ,or calculating how the day ended –mind wandering and pure consciousness are two axis one horizontal and one vertical, when thinking along a certain line, the very direction makes it possible-absurd things also possible. Whether positive or negative and it all come backs to soul vibrations-I quote mark twain "Age is mind over matter, if you don't mind it doesn't matter.". Be aware of your thoughts and reaction, be the change.

Article three 

Wondering wanderer
A philosopher is aboard an air plane. He is sitting in his seat thinking about philosophical problems, when suddenly airplane captain announce,”I am sorry there will be slight delay. Engine number one is out and we are now flying on three engines,”
About fifteen minutes later the captain is back,” I am afraid there will be further delay-engine two and three have cut out and only number four is operational.
Our philosopher turns to the guy sitting next to him and says,”oh my! if the other one cuts out we will be up here all night.
The past and it conditioning do exist but they exist either in the body or in the brain, they do not exist in consciousness because consciousness cannot be conditioned consciousness remains free-freedom is it most innermost quality, freedom is its nature
Our philosopher reacted from his mind if he was pro active to the present moment ,the answer would have  been  from his pure consciousness when he responded to his fellow passengers-he was in his calculating world of thoughts  and thinking, minding his philosophy-
A spouse, a child or people are always   communicating to us and sometimes missing the point take center stage, since we are absorbed in our world of thoughts an totally absent to the moment, that’s the soul journeys and quantum realities since sometimes in life or in minutes we are wondering wanderers, and we all always soldering on to paradise home where everything is whole or where mind is at peace.

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